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Stop Desahucios Abril

[en continua actualización]** Total Desahucios:  65          Parados y  Suspendidos: 62   Miércoles, 1 de abril Barcelona, dsd 9h, c/Rasos de Peguera 72, Entidad: BBVA ¡PARALIZADO! Valencia, 10.30h, c/Ingeniero Auban 27, Entidad: BANCO SABADELL ¡SUSPENDIDO! Valencia, 10.30h, 2º Intento,  c/San Vicente de Paul 24, Entidad: BANCO SABADELL…

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The PAH vs Blackstone: this has only just begun

Vulture fund Blackstone under pressure after an international day of action called by the Platform for People Affected by Mortgages (PAH). In recent months Catalunya Banc has transferred the management of 90% of its mortgages to private equity fund Blackstone, with the customers who signed these mortgages yet to receive…

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