Bankia: hacia una banca pública y social

Hoy comparece en el Congreso, ante la Comisión de investigación sobre la crisis financiera, el presidente de Bankia desde 2012, José Ignacio Goirigolzarri. En su comparecencia hará referencia al latrocinio desarrollado por la entidad en la etapa anterior a él: tarjetas black, preferentes, salida a bolsa… Lo que no mencionará…

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The Platform of People Affected by Mortgages (PAH by its Spanish acronym) returns to the fray defending families affected by Blackstone’s extortion

Ever since it clamped its claws on our homes via a complex network of companies, Blackstone has become the biggest real estate agent in Spain, treating tenants shamefully, permiting quarters for drug-dealing to proliferate in our neighbourhoods and contributing to the outrageous inflation of rental price bubbles. Today the PAH…

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